Our Environmental Waste Management Policy

As Taha Kimya management, we are

committed to carrying out our activities to apply

the following principles to continuously improve

our environmental performance in order to leave

a sustainable environment for the future:

   To be a pioneer in realizing environmentally conscious investments by using appropriate technologies that cause the least harm to the environment within the framework of technical, economic and commercial possibilities.

   To control the negative environmental effects that may arise from our activities with scientific and economic methods, to develop permanent solutions and to reduce them gradually.

   Developing improvement studies to reduce all wastes that may occur, primarily at their source, and to ensure that wastes are minimized.

   Then, to ensure that these wastes are collected, transported and disposed of in a way that does not harm human health and the environment.

   To determine environmental goals and actions to achieve these goals by making the environmental approach a philosophy of life.

   To work towards the protection of natural resources and ecotypes with a sustainability approach.

   To increase the awareness of our employees towards the environment by providing trainings on environment and waste management to all our employees.

   To ensure that the documents prepared within the scope of environment and waste management are periodically reviewed and updated in line with laws, regulations, developments and needs.

   Proactively managing all our activities during the reuse, recycling and disposal of waste in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

We are Taha

Traceability with international or national standards

to serve with our working standards,