To consider providing an environment where they can work safely and happily among all the employees and to act in line with the goal of “zero accident” in all our activities.
Aiming to create a business environment that respects human rights within the framework of continuous improvement and sustainability understanding and to increase the awareness and awareness of employees, customers and all stakeholders by spreading this understanding.
Based on gender, ethnicity, religion, race, age, physical capacity, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership, political opinion and similar issues in processes such as recruitment, education, career, wage determination and process management take an attitude equality.
To adopt the principle of preventing any situation that may hinder the employees' right to freedom of expression in the business environment.
To pay competitive salaries (at least minimum wage) to all our employees according to local market assessments.
To respect employees' right to collective bargaining and freedom of association.
To work in cooperation with subcontractor company and suppliers for eliminate and prevent child labor in the best interests of the child.
To ensure the creation of a working environment free from all kinds of harassment, abuse, abuse and violence, taking into account the rules of all the countries in which we operate.
Activities implemented to protect the rights of employees; To carry out in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions, the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Business and Human Rights Principles.